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First Things First Financial Information

The following information is available in Adobe PDF format.   This information is updated on a monthly basis unless otherwise noted.


Fiscal Year 2025
FY 2025 Tobacco Tax Revenue Graph
FY 2025 Tobacco Graph Interest Revenue Graph
FY 2025 FTF Admin & Program Overview Budget

FY 2025 Administrative Account Summary
  By Line Item
  By Area

  FY 2025 Program Account
Please note that the following Reports are current as of 8:00 am each day. Data within may not coincide with data in other documents, which are updated on a monthly basis.
    Total By Goal Area
    Goal Area Totals by Strategy
      Community Awareness
      Family Support
      Professional Development
      Quality and Access
    Statewide and Individual Regions by Strategy within Goal Area
    Funding Categories for Strategies by Goal Area
    FTF Areas for Strategies by Goal Area
    Statewide and Region Total by Strategy within Goal Area

FY 2025 Restricted Funds (Gifts, Federal and Other Grants)
   FY 2025 Non-tobacco Funds Budget




FY 2025 Unrestricted (Tobacco Tax) Funding Plans
Please note that the following Funding Plans are current as of 8:00 am each day. Data within may not coincide with data in other documents, which are updated on a monthly basis.